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ERP W3 yaziliminda kdv degisimi

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Kayıt Tarihi: 17 Temmuz 2009
Konum: Denizli
Durum: Aktif Değil
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    Gönderim Zamanı: 17 Temmuz 2009 Saat 11:42
Bir mobilyaci arkadasim var ve mobilyada kdv oranlari düstü Eski oran % 18
stok kartlarindaki % 18 kdv yi nasil tümünü birden % 8 yapabiliriz.
selamlar tesekkürler.
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emiray Açılır Kutu İzle

Kayıt Tarihi: 11 Nisan 2007
Durum: Aktif Değil
Puanlar: 39
Mesaj Seçenekleri Mesaj Seçenekleri   Teşekkürler (0) Teşekkürler(0)   Alıntı emiray Alıntı  Yanıt YazCevapla Mesajın Direkt Linki Gönderim Zamanı: 17 Temmuz 2009 Saat 12:31
stok/islemler/hizli degisiklik den yapabilirsiniz.
netsis bir tutkudur.Yaşamak Lazım
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Yeni Üye

Kayıt Tarihi: 17 Temmuz 2009
Konum: Denizli
Durum: Aktif Değil
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Orjinalini yazan: emiray emiray Yazdı:

stok/islemler/hizli degisiklik den yapabilirsiniz.

Sayin Emiray Çok Tesekkürler henüz deneme firsatim olmadi deneyip
sonucu yazacagim
Selamlar Iyi Çalismalar.
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Yeni Üye

Kayıt Tarihi: 17 Temmuz 2009
Konum: Denizli
Durum: Aktif Değil
Puanlar: 0
Mesaj Seçenekleri Mesaj Seçenekleri   Teşekkürler (0) Teşekkürler(0)   Alıntı abdi Alıntı  Yanıt YazCevapla Mesajın Direkt Linki Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Ağustos 2009 Saat 10:28
Sayin Emiray Dün Arkadasin Netsis Programinda
Dedigin Sekilde KDV oranlarini Degistirip Faturalari
Kestim Çok Tesekkürler.
Çalismalarinizda Basarilar Dilerim.
Denizliden Selamlar
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strong1r Açılır Kutu İzle
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Yeni Üye

Kayıt Tarihi: 05 Aralık 2009
Durum: Aktif Değil
Puanlar: 0
Mesaj Seçenekleri Mesaj Seçenekleri   Teşekkürler (0) Teşekkürler(0)   Alıntı strong1r Alıntı  Yanıt YazCevapla Mesajın Direkt Linki Gönderim Zamanı: 05 Aralık 2009 Saat 07:30

Father Frost

In a far-away country, somewhere in Russia, there lived a stepmother who had a stepdaughter and also a daughter of her own. Her own daughter was dear to her, and always whatever she did the mother was the first to praise her, to pet her; but there was but little praise for the stepdaughter; although good and kind, she had no other reward than reproach. What on earth could have been done? The wind blows, but stops blowing at times; the wicked woman never knows how to stop her wickedness. One bright cold day the stepmother said to her husband:
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"Now, old man, I want you to take your daughter away from my eyes, away from my ears. You shall not take her to your people into a warm hut. You shall take her into the wide, wide fields to the crackling frost."

The old father grew sad, began even to weep, but nevertheless helped the young girl into the sleigh. He wished to cover her with a sheepskin in order to protect her from the cold; however, he did not do it. He was afraid; his wife was watching them out of the window. And so he went with his lovely daughter into the wide, wide fields; drove her nearly to the woods, left her there alone, and speedily drove away--he was a good man and did not care to see his daughter's death. Following continue. wow gold,

Alone, quite alone, remained the sweet girl. Broken-hearted and terror-stricken she repeated fervently all the prayers she knew.

Father Frost, the almighty sovereign at that place, clad in furs, with a long, long, white beard and a shining crown on his white head, approached nearer and nearer, looked at this beautiful guest of his and asked:

"Dost you know me?--me, the red-nosed Frost?"

"Be welcome, Father Frost," answered gently the young girl. "I hope our heavenly Lord sent you for my sinful soul."

"Are you comfortable, sweet child?" again asked the Frost. He was exceedingly pleased with her looks and mild dress,

"Indeed I am," answered the girl, almost out of breath from cold.

And the Frost, cheerful and bright, kept crackling in the branches until the air became icy, but the good-natured girl kept repeating:

"I am very comfortable, dear Father Frost."

But the Frost, however, knew all about the weakness of human beings; he knew very well that few of them are really good and kind; but he knew no one of them even could struggle too long against the power of Frost, the king of winter. The kindness of the gentle girl charmed old Frost so much that he made the decision to treat her differently from others, and gave her a large heavy trunk filled with many beautiful, beautiful things. He gave her a rich cloak lined with precious furs; he gave her silk quilts--light like feathers and warm as a mother's lap. What a rich girl she became and how many magnificent garments she received! And besides all, old Frost gave her a blue dress ornamented with silver and pearls. This site is on the Crushers:crusher。
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When the young girl put it on she became such a beautiful maiden that even the sun smiled at her.

The stepmother was in the kitchen busy baking pancakes for the meal which it is the custom to give to the priests and friends after the usual service for the dead.

"Now, old man," said the wife to the husband, "go down to the wide fields and bring the body of thy daughter; we will bury her."

The old man went off. And the little dog in the corner wagged his tail and said:

"Bow-wow! bow-wow! the old man's daughter is on her way home, beautiful and happy as never before, and the old woman's daughter is wicked as ever before."
wedding dress,
"Keep still, stupid beast!" shouted the stepmother, and struck the little dog. Went to eat, while repeat.

"Here, take this pancake, eat it and say, 'The old woman's daughter will be married soon and the old man's daughter shall be buried soon.'"

The dog ate the pancake and began anew:

"Bow-wow! bow-wow! the old man's daughter is coming home wealthy and happy as never before, and the old woman's daughter is somewhere around as homely and wicked as ever before."
wedding dress,
The old woman was furious at the dog, but in spite of pancakes and whipping, the dog repeated the same words over and over again.

Father Frost

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